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La campagna contro la violenza sulle donne
OraVedoOraSentoOraParlo Appassionante e Ara Malikian

#OraVedoOraSentoOraParlo is an "artistic socio-cultural" awareness campaign by Overlook Italia, against violence against women and against all forms of violence, which starts from Rome with the intention of being able to expand to the rest of the world.

Overlook Italia is an independent label created with the intention of being an artisan in artistic production, and it is here that the international project   Fascinating.



"Unity is strength: creating cohesion makes the difference"

We have always been spectators of "acts of violence" that very often remain unheard of, "discussing" about this is the most effective way to arouse consciences, considering that "denunciation" is essential to encourage people to break the silence on all forms of violence !

"NOW I SEE, NOW I HEAR, NOW I SPEAK" comes from an awareness in which cultural and musical expression become the most significant tools for reaching the "collective consciousness". 

The goal is to communicate the


The multiculturalism and the partnership of the protagonists, a "male" violinist in the figure of Ara Malikian, in antithesis and in harmony with the soprano trio Appassionante are proof of this, because even if we are different, the respect and individuality of each of us us makes a healthy coexistence possible!

With the universal language of music, we want to "awaken" emotions and sensations that can travel without borders, using a video clip as audiovisual material that can be seen as a means to amplify a "media communication".

With the collaboration of:

Logo ZTE
Logo Senato della Repubblica Italiana
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